men working in the clinic

    Online Medical Script (FREE)

    Online Medical Script (FREE)
    $0.00 $32.00
    Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

      The Online Script must be added to your order before our Medical Doctor can begin processing your Script to receive your order.

      Once your products have been selected and you reach the Check Out Page, the Online Health Form page will pop-up, to be completed. Once completed, your Health Form will then be forwarded to our in-house medical team, overseen by Dr. Luigi Palermo MD.

      If there are no contraindications in your Health Form for the use Elite Bioscience® medicines, your Medical Script will be produced and attached to your order.

      If there are any issues that arise after we receive your Online Health Formour medical staff will contact you, either via email or WhatsApp to clear any potential contraindications and we will inform you whether our products can or cannot be accessed in relation to your current health status.

      Your health and safety is first and foremost our highest priority.